Martha Retallick

Freelance Copywriter. Tucson, Arizona.
Martha Retallick is a freelance copywriter in Tucson, Arizona. She writes for business, government, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions.
54 Hours to Launch a Business
The Undergraduate Guide to Freelancing Your Way Through School
Succeeding as a Freelancer with a Disability
25+ Resources for Starting a Freelance Photography Business
10 Steps to Creating Your Freelance Brand Personality
25+ Professional Resources for Getting Your Book Published
25+ Professional Resources for Improving Your Presentation Skills
How to Extract the Facts with a Web Design Client Questionnaire
DIY: Producing Your Photography Book
The Professional Photographer's Bookshelf
Keeping In Touch with Prospective Clients
Freelancing 911: Turn Your Business Around with Warm Calls and E-mails