Josh Johnson

Equal parts editor, writer, designer, & photographer. I work for Envato and have written tons of stuff for Design Shack.
100 Free Photoshop Actions (And How to Make Your Own)
100 Seriously Cool Self-Portrait Photos — and Top Tips for How to Make Your Own
How We’re Using Trello to Simplify Our Editorial Process
Earn an Extra $11k Per Year as a Phototuts+ Author
Submit Your Favorite Photography Tip and You Could Win $500!
Master TextExpander With These Helpful Tips & Tricks
Sublime Text 3 Beta Released
Create a Screen Saver from Your Twitter Feed
Schedule a Weekly Reminder Email with AppleScript
5 Useful Lessons From a Real-Life Family Shoot
Import Swatches From CSS to Photoshop
Save Time and Effort with AppleScript Repeat Loops