Jorge Costa and Orlando Pereira

Jorge Costa and Orlando Pereira are two Portuguese web and mobile developers.
They both graduated in Informatics Engineering at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal.
Currently, they have several projects together, in the fields of mobile and heterogeneous computing, namely using iOS frameworks and devices.
Writing Elegant and Readable Code
Build Missile Command With SpriteKit: User Interaction
Build Missile Command With SpriteKit: Project Setup
iOS SDK: Build a Facts Game - Game Logic
iOS SDK: Build a Facts Game - Interface Creation
iOS SDK: Build a Facts Game - Project Setup
iOS 7 SDK: iBeacons Game
iOS 7 SDK: Core Bluetooth - Practical Lesson
iOS 7 SDK: Core Bluetooth - Theoretical Overview
iOS 7 SDK: Background Transfer Service
iOS 7 SDK: Working with Background Fetch
Working with SKTransition