Jordan Merrick

I'm a technology writer and web designer living in the UK. I write for a number of Apple-related sites, including Sparsebundle.
I also create web templates available at ThemeForest and offer bespoke web design services at my own site,
You can find me on both and Twitter !
Set Up a Guest Network and Timed Access Control on an AirPort Base Station
The Complete Guide to Find My Mac
Using a USB Audio Device With a Raspberry Pi
Turn a Mac into a Video Surveillance System
Create an Interactive Book With iBooks Author
How to Highlight Colours in Black and White Photos With Aperture
Using a Raspberry Pi as an AirPlay Receiver
Apples and Pears: A Guide to Alternative Apple Accessories
How to Use Automator to Generate Spoken Ringtones
iCloud Guide to Calendars and Reminders
Your First Raspberry Pi: A Buyer's Guide
How to Set Up IMAP in Apple Mail or Microsoft Outlook