Jarel Remick

I'm a freelance designer and web developer, an author and reviewer at ThemeForest.net, a writer for the ThemeForest blog and occasionally net.tutsplus.com. When I actually manage to get away from the computer, I'm hiking, watching movies or spending time with my girlfriend in sunny Las Vegas. – View my web.appstorm.net posts here.
Image Types and Usage in Web Design
Using AWS S3 to Power Your Digital World
20 Excellent Coda Tips
Sexy Real-Time Analytics with Reinvigorate
50 Helpful iPhone Apps for Web Designers and Developers
10 Templates that Solve Problems for Web Developers
Supercharge Website Performance With AWS S3 and CloudFront
10 Data Backup, Storage and Sharing Solutions
13 Ways to Browser Test and Validate Your Work
"Outside the Box" Navigation with jQuery
404/403 Website Error Pages With PHP Auto-Mailer
The Golden Ratio in Web Design