Ivan Krushkov

My name is Ivan, also known as 'Pipera', and I'm currently a 3rd year Computer Games and Visual Effects student in the UK. I've been in the field of 3D a little more than 3 years now, and I really enjoy exploring the possibilities that the digital environment can provide.
Camera Projection In Maya
Enhance Your Workflow With Basic Multi-Channel Compositing In Nuke
Digital Matte Painting: Photoshop To Maya To Nuke, Part 3
Digital Matte Painting: Photoshop To Maya To Nuke, Part 2
Digital Matte Painting: Photoshop To Maya To Nuke, Part 1
A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to UDK - Day 1
Maya Exterior Environment Creation - Day 5
Maya Exterior Environment Creation - Day 4
Maya Exterior Environment Creation - Day 3
Maya Exterior Environment Creation - Day 2
Maya Exterior Environment Creation - Day 1
Quick Tip: Using Maya's mia_roundcorners Shader