Envato Tuts+ House Rules

House Rules

We welcome you to the official Envato Tuts+ Community. These community rules govern any contributions that you make to the Envato Tuts+ website, including comments, posts, links and the like.

Please feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, photos and videos related to Envato Tuts+. We will do our best to answer any questions you might have. If you have a specific customer care issue, we recommend that you send us a personal message or contact our support team.

We want the atmosphere of this space to remain community minded. Therefore we thank you for respecting the views expressed by others.

We will be moderating this page and removing content according to the guidelines and terms of use as set out below:

  • affects other users’ use or enjoyment of the sites;
  • is false, misleading, fraudulent, unlawful, abusive, harassing, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, or offensive;
  • infringes others’ rights, including privacy or intellectual property rights; discloses personal information about others, particularly sensitive information; contains a virus, spyware, or other harmful component;
  • contains commercial solicitation or 'spam' or;
  • otherwise offensive content will be removed from this page without prior notification.

If you stumble upon such content, please report it

You are solely responsible for the content you post on the Envato Tuts+ Community pages. Please make sure that your content is original and do not infringe the property, privacy or other rights of any other person.

Please understand that the opinions and views expressed by our community are not necessarily representative of those from Envato Tuts+. Official content endorsed by Envato Tuts+ is published through the account named.

At any time Envato Tuts+ has the right, at its sole discretion and without prior notification, to change these Community Rules and our Terms of Use.