Brian Zafron

My name is Brian Zafron, and I emerged from my mother’s womb 24 years go with a modem in one hand and a business manual in the other.
I grew up in a small town in southern Massachusetts, where my parents shoved books and cultural activities down my throat, and my two old brothers, now Investment Bankers in Manhattan, beat the daylights out of me on a regular basis. The result was a tough, smart-ass child with a love for knowledge, a thirst for competition, and an inexplicable obsession with Beverly Hills 90210.
I was educated at Northwestern University, where at the age of 22, I received my first round of Venture Capital funding for a software company I started as a sophomore in high school. That company has since faded, but the experience led to Axial Solutions, the creative viral marketing company I’m currently co-founding, which received its first round funding less than three months ago.
Contrary to my mother’s insistence, my success cannot be attributed solely to my charm and boyish good looks (thanks anyway, Mom). Rather, I have busted my hump since childhood. When most kids were out partying in college, I was working on my company until about 2am, at which point I’d leave my apartment and find the lucky girl who happened to be lingering at the local bar. With only twenty minutes to closing time, that’s when my magic reached full force – or sometimes, beer was thrown into my face.
As the adage states, I work hard, but I play hard. My blog is dedicated to sharing my secrets to success, the plethora of knowledge I’ve accrued over the previous fast but fruitful 24 years, related to social marketing, entrepreneurialism, and everything in between. Plus, I live in Los Angeles’ lap of luxury, endlessly intersecting with wealth, women, and celebrity, so the blog will also feature accounts of my adventures, or more aptly, misadventures.
I invite you to sign up to my RSS feed and join the party. I might appear a bit conceited at times, but as consolation, I offer content with more entertainment value and literary coherence than you’ll likely ever discover in the growing surplus of blogs.
By the way, I eat web 2.0 for breakfast.
With maple syrup.