Andy Slatter

Andy Slatter is a self taught musician with over 25 years experience, he has trained in the composition and production of music for the media, he has a diverse and eclectic portfolio of stock music at AudioJungle, where he is also an audio reviewer.
How to Create the Elements of a Drum ‘n’ Bass Track
Audio Warping in the Cubase 4 Sample Editor
How to Set Music to Film Using Markers & Timewarp in Cubase 4
Using Hitpoints and Markers in Cubase 4 to Create a Tempo Track
Generating Drum Fills With VST Livecut In Cubase 4
How to Create a Tape Stop Effect
How to Use the Maize Sampler to Create a Layered Instrument
How to Create a Velocity Layered Instrument with Maize Sampler
How to Create a Tape Stop Effect with Cubase 4
Create Awesome Drum N' Bass Fills With Livecut
Thick and Crunchy Guitar Distortion Without Using an Amplifier or Effects Pedals
How to Make One Vocal Sound Like a Choir