Adam Everett Miller

Former editor of Aetuts+ from 2009-14, I currently run Hello Studios and still love creating fun stuff in After Effects.
Create a Fun 3D Look with Simple Rotoscoping
Filmmaking Production Equipment: C-Stands
Welcome to the New Home of 3D & Motion Graphics on Tuts+
Kandi Runner: Animate a Vector Game Sprite Walk Cycle
Tuts+ Poll: Choose A Tutorial - Hollywood Movie Title v6
After Effect World Conference Review
Free New Tuts+ Premium Course - "Cinematic Effects in After Effects"
5 Things To Keep in Mind When Dealing with Clients
Envato's Most Wanted - Broadcast Category
Interview With Tim Matney About His Work as a Matte Painter
How to Suck Energy Out of Someone's Veins
An Introduction to Motion Trackers